Day 08 — Introduction to Linear Algebra in Machine Learning

Yashraj singh
5 min readSep 17, 2024


Linear algebra is one of the foundational concepts that powers much of machine learning (ML). Whether you’re building a recommendation engine or a neural network, understanding linear algebra is crucial because it provides the mathematical framework for working with vectors, matrices, and other multidimensional data structures, which are the backbone of most ML algorithms.

In this article, we’ll explore the basics of linear algebra, how it fits into machine learning, and which concepts are particularly useful in this domain. By the end, you’ll have a clearer understanding of how linear algebra enables machines to learn from data.

Why Linear Algebra is Important in Machine Learning

Machine learning models often rely on large datasets and numerous variables to make predictions, classifications, and optimizations. These datasets are typically represented as vectors (arrays of numbers) or matrices (tables of numbers), and linear algebra gives us the tools to manipulate these structures efficiently.

For example, operations like matrix multiplication, vector transformations, and dot products are used to feed data through algorithms, adjust model parameters, and compute predictions. Linear algebra not only helps us represent the data but also provides mechanisms for model training, optimization, and evaluation.

Some specific reasons why linear algebra is vital for ML include:

  • Data Representation: Features of data in machine learning are often represented as vectors and matrices.
  • Operations on Data: Many ML algorithms involve matrix operations such as dot products, matrix inversion, or finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
  • Dimensionality Reduction: Techniques like Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which helps reduce the number of features in a dataset, are grounded in linear algebra.

Key Linear Algebra Concepts in Machine Learning

Let’s now delve into the specific concepts from linear algebra that play a crucial role in machine learning:

1. Scalars, Vectors, and Matrices

  • Scalar: A single number. In machine learning, this could represent a parameter, a single feature value, or a target output in a regression model.
  • Vector: An array of numbers (1-dimensional). Vectors are commonly used to represent a dataset’s features or an instance in a dataset. For example, a vector of pixel values can represent an image in an image recognition task.
  • Matrix: A 2-dimensional array of numbers, representing a grid or table. In machine learning, datasets with multiple instances (rows) and features (columns) are often represented as matrices.

Example: In a model that predicts housing prices, the input data (square footage, number of rooms, etc.) is often represented as a matrix, where each row corresponds to a house, and each column corresponds to a feature.

2. Matrix Operations

  • Matrix Multiplication: One of the core operations in machine learning is multiplying matrices. This is commonly used in deep learning models, where inputs are passed through layers of transformations represented as matrices of weights.

Example: In a neural network, matrix multiplication is used to combine the input features with the weights of the model to compute the output.

  • Dot Product: The dot product of two vectors is a key operation in both supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms. It’s used to measure similarity between vectors and is a fundamental operation in tasks like classification.

Example: In a support vector machine (SVM), the dot product helps measure the similarity between different data points to determine how they should be classified.

3. Determinants and Inverses

  • Determinants: The determinant of a square matrix is a single value that provides insights into properties of the matrix, such as whether it is invertible. In machine learning, the determinant is useful when solving systems of linear equations.
  • Matrix Inversion: Inverting a matrix is the process of finding another matrix that, when multiplied with the original, results in the identity matrix. This operation is essential for solving certain types of linear regression problems and for updating model parameters.

Example: In ridge regression, matrix inversion is used to compute the coefficients of the model when solving the normal equation.

4. Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues

  • Eigenvectors: These are special vectors that remain in the same direction when a transformation is applied. Eigenvectors capture the principal directions of data variance, making them fundamental in dimensionality reduction techniques like PCA.
  • Eigenvalues: The corresponding magnitudes of eigenvectors, which tell us how much variance exists along each direction.

Example: PCA is a common algorithm in machine learning that uses eigenvectors and eigenvalues to reduce the dimensionality of large datasets while retaining as much variance (information) as possible.

5. Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a method of decomposing a matrix into three other matrices, which is useful for uncovering hidden patterns in the data. In machine learning, SVD is used for tasks like data compression, noise reduction, and latent semantic analysis (LSA) in natural language processing (NLP).

Example: In recommendation systems like Netflix or Amazon, SVD is used to decompose user-item interaction matrices, helping to make personalized recommendations based on previous behavior.

6. Norms and Distance Metrics

  • Norms: The norm of a vector quantifies its length or magnitude. The most common norm is the Euclidean norm (L2 norm), which is used to measure the distance between two points in space.
  • Distance Metrics: Machine learning models, especially in clustering and classification, often rely on distance metrics (such as Euclidean or Manhattan distance) to measure the similarity or dissimilarity between data points.

Example: In K-means clustering, Euclidean distance is used to assign data points to the nearest cluster center.

Applications of Linear Algebra in Machine Learning

Linear algebra plays a central role in many machine learning algorithms and techniques. Let’s look at a few specific applications:

  • Linear Regression: Linear regression, one of the simplest ML models, uses linear algebra to compute the line of best fit. The input data is represented as a matrix, and the target values as a vector. The model uses matrix operations like inversion to find the optimal weights that minimize the error.
  • Neural Networks: In deep learning, neural networks use matrix multiplication to propagate input data through layers. Weights, inputs, and outputs are all represented as matrices or vectors, and linear algebra operations compute how the model adjusts its parameters through backpropagation.
  • Dimensionality Reduction (PCA): Principal Component Analysis is a powerful technique for reducing the number of features in a dataset while retaining the most significant ones. PCA relies heavily on eigenvectors and eigenvalues to transform the data into a new space with fewer dimensions.
  • Support Vector Machines (SVM): SVMs, used for classification tasks, utilize dot products and matrix operations to create hyperplanes that separate different classes in the data.


Linear algebra provides the foundation for much of modern machine learning. By understanding its core concepts — from vectors and matrices to eigenvalues and SVD — machine learning practitioners can better grasp how algorithms work under the hood and how to optimize models for real-world tasks.

Whether you’re developing a deep learning model, performing data transformations, or reducing dimensionality, linear algebra is essential to mastering machine learning. As you progress in your ML journey, strengthening your understanding of these concepts will help you build more robust, efficient, and scalable models.

