Day 01 — Introduction to Machine Learning

Yashraj singh
6 min readSep 9, 2024


Machine learning (ML) is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables systems to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. It focuses on developing algorithms that can analyze and learn patterns from data, then make predictions or decisions based on that data.

What is AI (Artificial Intelligence)?

Artificial Intelligence is the ability of a machine (like a computer) to perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence. These tasks include things like understanding language, recognizing images, solving problems, and making decisions. A simple example is self driving car, 2nd is chatbots.

What is Machine Learning (ML)?

Machine Learning is a specific type of AI. It’s all about teaching a computer to learn from data and improve over time without being directly programmed to do so.

Instead of telling a computer exactly what to do (traditional programming), in ML, you give it lots of examples, and it figures out patterns on its own.

History of Machine Learning: Origins and Key Moments

Alan Turing, a British mathematician and computer scientist, is often considered the father of AI. In 1950, Turing published a paper called “Computing Machinery and Intelligence,” where he posed the question, “Can machines think?” He introduced the idea of the Turing Test, where a machine would be considered intelligent if it could convince a human that it was also human through conversation.

The Birth of AI and Learning

Arthur Samuel, an American pioneer in AI and computer gaming, made the first leap toward machine learning. In 1952, Samuel developed a computer program that could play the board game checkers (draughts). This program didn’t just follow fixed rules — it learned how to play better over time by playing against itself. This is considered one of the earliest instances of machine learning in practice. Samuel wanted to create a machine that could improve without being reprogrammed, giving rise to the term “machine learning.”

First Model:

Samuel’s checkers program used a basic form of reinforcement learning, where the program learned to make better decisions based on previous outcomes.

Why Was Machine Learning Important?

  • Automation: ML allows computers to learn patterns from data without being manually programmed, which makes it scalable.
  • Real-World Applications: Machine learning is used in many everyday technologies, from Google Search to social media feeds, and even self-driving cars.

Today’s Machine Learning: Current Landscape and Developments

In recent years, machine learning has advanced significantly, becoming a central part of technology and businesses across the globe. Machine learning is now more powerful than ever due to the availability of big data, faster computing power, and sophisticated algorithms like deep learning. Modern machine learning systems are capable of performing highly complex tasks, and they continue to improve as they are exposed to more data.

Big Tech Companies and Their Use of Machine Learning:

  1. Google — search, Gmail, YouTube, and Google Photos.
  2. Amazon —, AWS, Alexa.
  3. Facebook — Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus.
  4. Tesla — Self-driving cars, Autopilot.
  5. Netflix — Content recommendations, streaming optimization.

Let’s take Instagram as a detailed example of how machine learning is used in social media.

Instagram, a popular social media platform, uses machine learning (ML) for a wide range of features, but let’s focus on content recommendations — how Instagram decides what posts, stories, reels, and ads to show you.

Personalized Feed and Explore Page:

Instagram uses machine learning to analyze user behavior and provide personalized content for each user. Here’s how:

Data Collection: Instagram tracks many types of interactions, including:

  • What posts you like, comment on, or share.
  • Accounts you follow.
  • Time spent viewing different types of content (e.g., videos, photos, stories).

Pattern Recognition: Instagram’s machine learning models analyze all this data and recognize patterns. For example, if you frequently engage with posts about travel or food, Instagram will detect that interest.

Content Ranking: Based on the patterns it has learned, the ML system assigns a relevance score to every post or story available on the platform. This score measures how likely you are to engage with the content.

Feed Curation: Posts with higher relevance scores appear at the top of your feed or in the “Explore” section. This helps keep you engaged by showing content that the system predicts you’ll like.

Why Instagram Uses Machine Learning:

Instagram uses ML for several reasons, but the primary goal is to improve user engagement, user experience, platform safety and earnings also.

Improving User Engagement:

  • Instagram wants users to spend more time on the platform. By showing content that’s more relevant and engaging, users are more likely to interact with the platform (e.g., like, comment, share).
  • Personalized feeds make the app more addictive, encouraging users to return often to see new content that matches their interests.

Enhancing User Experience:

  • By tailoring the content to individual preferences, Instagram makes users feel like the platform understands their tastes and interests. This creates a sense of personalization.
  • Ads are more targeted and relevant, which users might find more useful rather than annoying. Showing fewer irrelevant ads reduces user frustration.

Moderation and Safety:

  • Machine learning helps Instagram quickly flag harmful or inappropriate content, making the platform safer.
  • It reduces the burden on human moderators and speeds up the detection and removal of problematic posts.

Benefits of Using Machine Learning for Instagram:

Personalization at Scale:

  • Instagram has millions of users, and each person has different interests. Machine learning can handle this massive amount of data and deliver personalized content to every single user without manual intervention.
  • With machine learning, Instagram can adjust content for each individual user based on their interactions and preferences in real time.

Improved User Retention and Engagement:

  • By showing content that users are likely to enjoy, machine learning helps keep users engaged for longer periods. The more personalized and enjoyable the content, the more likely users are to spend time on the platform.
  • This increases daily active users (DAUs) and monthly active users (MAUs), which are critical metrics for the platform’s success.

Efficient Ad Targeting:

  • For advertisers, machine learning provides an effective way to reach their target audience. Ads are shown to users who are more likely to be interested, improving the return on investment (ROI) for businesses that advertise on Instagram.
  • This makes Instagram more attractive to advertisers, which is crucial for their revenue model.

Drawbacks or Challenges (Losses) of Using Machine Learning:

Algorithmic Bias:

  • Machine learning models are trained on existing data, which might contain biases. For example, if the training data reflects societal biases (like gender or racial stereotypes), the model might unintentionally amplify those biases. Instagram has faced criticism when its algorithms seemed to promote certain types of content more than others (e.g., certain body types or lifestyles).

Echo Chambers and Filter Bubbles:

  • Instagram’s machine learning system tends to show users content similar to what they’ve previously engaged with. While this improves engagement, it can also create echo chambers, where users are only exposed to content that reinforces their existing opinions or interests.
  • This lack of diversity in content can limit users’ exposure to new ideas and perspectives, which is a broader societal concern.

Algorithmic Manipulation:

  • Since machine learning models determine the visibility of content, some users or businesses may try to manipulate the system. For example, “Instagram influencers” might use certain strategies (e.g., posting at specific times, using trending hashtags) to game the algorithm and get more exposure.
  • This can lead to less organic content surfacing and undermine the experience for regular users.

Key Takeaways:

Why ML is Important for Instagram:

  • Instagram needs to handle a massive amount of data from millions of users. Machine learning helps in analyzing this data and providing personalized experiences, which increases engagement and satisfaction.
  • It also ensures that inappropriate content is detected and removed automatically, improving platform safety.


  • Personalization at scale, higher user engagement, improved ad targeting, and efficient content moderation.


  • Risks of algorithmic bias, creation of filter bubbles, privacy concerns, and the potential for gaming the algorithm.

How Machine Learning Helps Today’s Generation:

Machine learning (ML) has significantly impacted almost every aspect of daily life, offering many benefits to today’s generation. Here’s how it helps:

ML powers the recommendation systems on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Netflix, and Spotify, offering personalized content based on individual preferences. This keeps users engaged and makes it easier to discover content tailored to their tastes.

Negative Impacts of Machine Learning on Today’s Generation:

While machine learning brings many benefits, it also has some drawbacks and potential harms:

Addiction and Overuse of Technology:

Social Media Addiction:

Machine learning algorithms on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook are designed to maximize user engagement, often leading to addiction. These algorithms continuously show users content that hooks them, leading to excessive screen time, social media dependence, and negative mental health effects, such as anxiety and depression.


In conclusion, I’ve learned that machine learning is a key area of AI that helps systems learn from data and improve over time. My exploration covered its origins, modern applications, and impacts, such as personalized recommendations and automation, while also recognizing challenges like algorithmic bias and misuse. This journey deepened my understanding of machine learning’s role and significance in today’s technology landscape.

