The Day My Senior Developer’s Code Almost Gave Me a Heart Attack (and How We Fixed It!)

Yashraj singh
3 min readMar 11, 2024


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We’ve all been there. You’re cruising through code review, feeling confident and productive, when suddenly a bug slams on the brakes and sends you careening into a pit of “oh no.”

Today’s story features one such bug, a seemingly minor oversight in some senior developer code (don’t worry, they’re cool with it!) that could have had some major consequences.

The (Almost) Disaster:

The code in question dealt with sending emails containing unique login links. These links were supposed to be a one-time deal, expiring after a set amount of time. Imagine my surprise when I discovered they were, well, eternal. Anyone who intercepted the link could potentially use it to access our platform, essentially creating a master key for unauthorized entry.

Danger Level: Extreme

Here’s the scary part: according to a report by Verizon (, stolen credentials are a major culprit in data breaches, accounting for 82% of hacking-related incidents. A single, easily accessible login link could have been a goldmine for attackers.

From Faux Pas to Fix-It!

Thankfully, the solution wasn’t rocket science. We implemented a two-step verification system:

  1. Time Travel? Not Today: We added server-side logic to check not just the link itself, but also a timestamp embedded within it. This timestamp acts like a self-destruct timer, ensuring the link becomes invalid after a set period.
  2. Uniquely Yours: To add another layer of security, we incorporated a unique identifier tied to the user within the link. This personalizes the link, making it useless for anyone other than the intended recipient.

Lessons Learned (the Fun Part):

This experience serves as a valuable reminder that even seasoned developers can miss a crucial detail. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Code Reviews: Your Bug-Squashing BFF: Regular code reviews are like having a superhero sidekick. They help identify potential weaknesses before they become real problems.
  • Defense in Depth: Don’t put all your eggs in one security basket! Our new system uses both timestamps and unique identifiers, making it harder for attackers to crack.
  • Security Never Sleeps: Just like brushing your teeth, security needs constant attention. Staying updated on best practices and implementing improvements is essential.

The Takeaway:

This bug may have been a close call, but it ultimately led to a stronger, more secure system. Remember, developers are human (shocking, I know!), and even the best can make mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them and prioritize security in everything we do.

Bonus! Here’s a nifty diagram to illustrate the loophole and the fix:


Imagine a Login Link like a Movie Ticket Stub
User Requests Login -> Server Sends Unique Link (Stub) in Email -> User Clicks Link -> Granted Access**Problem:** The Stub Never Expires! Anyone with the Stub can enter.


Now the Stub has a Time Limit and a Secret Code (Unique Identifier)
User Requests Login -> Server Sends Unique Link (Stub with Time Limit & Secret Code) in Email -> User Clicks Link -> Server Verifies Link Validity (Time & Code) -> Granted Access (if valid)**Solution:** The Stub self-destructs after a set time and is specific to the user.

By working together and learning from our mistakes, we can build a more secure future (and maybe avoid a few heart attacks along the way!).


This experience with the “everlasting login link” serves as a powerful reminder that security is an ongoing process. It requires constant vigilance, collaboration, and a commitment to learning from mistakes. By implementing a robust solution and sharing this story, we hope to raise awareness of potential vulnerabilities and inspire a proactive approach to securing online platforms. Remember, even seemingly minor bugs can have significant consequences. Let’s continue to prioritize security in every step of the development process, ensuring a safer digital environment for everyone.

